4,7,8 Breathing

If you're suddenly feeling triggered or overcome with anxiety, find yourself a quiet place where you can take a minute or two - bathrooms are great, particularly if you’re in the workplace or in a public space like a cafe.

The technique:

  • Breathe in for 4 counts

  • Hold your breath for 7 counts

  • Breathe out for 8 counts

  • Repeat as necessary

This technique helps to shift from fight or flight mode (which may have been triggered during a stressful or intense situation or feeling) and back into rest and digest mode (where we want to be… calm and collected without the imminent threat of a sabre-tooth tiger!)

Find out more about flight or flight (sympathetic nervous system) and rest and digest (parasympathetic system) states here:

Fight or Flight versus Rest and Digest

Much love,

Flow x